Sensational 1984 book launches in the heart of government

1984: India's Guilty Secret was launched at the House of Lords yesterday.

Lord Singh and the Network of Sikh Organisations hosted an event attended by a passionate audience to mark the global release of a sensational book by first-time author, Pav Singh.

The House of Lords played venue on the 33rd anniversary of the genocidal massacres that took place in India in November 1984. Following a minute's silence in remembrance of the victims, Lord Singh introduced the evening with reference to his own efforts in campaigning for the issue. Pav Singh followed with an impassioned talk about why he felt compelled to write this powerful book.

A busy Q&A session exploring what happened and what can be done now to address the ongoing injustice was capped off with a book signing.

1984 India's Guilty Secret is available now.


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